Ira Marcus
Ira Marcus

Hey, what’s goin’ on?

The name’s Ira, and I’ve been writing for as long as I could hold a pencil. At first, it was whatever story my 5-year-old brain could come up with.

Vampires, animals, adventures.

Later, in high school, I helped launch and write the first school newspaper.

In college, I discovered entrepreneurship and started a business writing essays for other students.

Looking back, probably not the smartest, but it paid decently well!

As the world went to crap in 2020, I left my job as a corporate accountant and once again picked up a pen, having discovered copywriting.

For just over two years, I would write sales copy, website copy, emails, and landing pages for many different companies.

Finally, in June 2022, I launched a content marketing service for million-dollar brands - Wiz Media Group.

Firmly believing that *Every Company Is A Media Company*, I help these companies and their founders tell their stories to their audiences.

Connect with Ira Marcus
Ira Marcus

Ira Marcus

🧙‍♂️ SEO Copywriter | Wizard Of Blogs | Content Maestro | Writing about marketing, blogging, and entrepreneurship.